Foreign exchange & precious metals

Financial engineering tailored to your needs

Are you looking to invest in precious metals or currency markets, or to hedge your portfolio exposure? Our highly knowledgeable team of international experts is here to provide you with advice, support, and execution services 24 hours a day.

Foreign exchange 

At 1Swiss, we cover the world of foreign exchange from two trading centres in Zurich and Singapore 24 hours a day. We are a market maker in all major and exotic currencies, from simple spot transactions to sophisticated option strategies. We also offer a broad range of foreign exchange structured products – from flow products to more exotic structures.

Precious metals

Our offering for gold, silver, platinum, and palladium includes leveraged trading, as well as access to derivatives and the physical market.

Why opt for foreign exchange or precious metals investments?


You can make investments in the foreign exchange or precious metals market using your regular investment portfolio as collateral for the transactions.


Foreign exchange and precious metals investments have no or low correlation to other asset classes

No counterparty risk

An investment in physical precious metals is held off balance sheet and is therefore not affected by counterparty risk.

How does it work?

Your 1Swiss relationship manager or investment advisor will provide you with high-quality advice on any foreign exchange or precious metals investments you might be interested in. If you’re a professional investor, you also have the option of gaining direct access to 1Swiss’s 24-hour network and our foreign exchange and precious metals specialists. For this segment of clients, we offer around-the-clock market views and execution service.

The products and services offered depend on the domicile of the client and the legal entity of 1Swiss.

What sets us apart


Personalised Service

1Swis has a highly personalised touch while offering institutional-like coverage.


Large liquidity pool

As a pure-play wealth manager, 1Swiss has access to the liquidity pool of the largest banks around the world.


Strong risk management

We offer real time risk management thanks to our proprietary credit monitoring system.

Frequently asked questions

1Swiss is always the counterparty for over-the-counter foreign exchange and precious metals transactions.

Yes, we offer segregated and global custody in our own vaults.

Yes, 1Swiss offers coverage for the 25 most-traded currencies as well as for gold and silver.

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