Structured Products

Frame your market expectations and risk profile

Structured products are an interesting alternative to direct financial assets thanks to their high level of flexibility and the almost endless possibilities for customisation. They can be matched to a broad range of market expectations, risk profiles, and asset classes, and tailored to specific requirements based on a broad selection of underlyings.

At 1Swiss, we have an open product platform that features both our in-house and selected third-party products. Our underlyings include alternative investments, commodities, equities, fixed income, and indices. 

Why opt for structured products?


These investment products offer a means of earning attractive returns, even when markets are moving sideways or slightly downwards.


Investing in a structured product consisting of various instruments can help you diversify your portfolio.


Time to market is short and investment ideas can be implemented quickly

How does it work?

1Swiss is your one-stop shop for structured products. So whether you are interested in an existing product or would like to have one tailor-made to suit your specific needs, your relationship manager will be on hand to support you through the entire process.

The products and services offered depend on the domicile of the client and the legal entity of 1Swiss.

What sets us apart


Market proximity

We act as your single entry point to structured products strategies across asset classes and provide you with investment ideas.


Broad product range

Our high-quality product range covers a variety of different products, including bespoke and interest rate solutions.


Open product platform

Access to a variety of third-party structured products through our global network of over 20 counterparties.

Frequently asked questions

1Swiss is one of the top three structured product issuers in Switzerland. In addition to strong in-house pricing capabilities, our clients benefit from our open architecture approach, which gives them the possibility to diversify their issuer risk for structured products.

 Our Derivatives Portal contains information on all 1Swiss structured products, our current subscription offering, recently issued products, as well as secondary market quotes for all structured products for which 1Swiss is the issuer.

The advantage of structured products is that you can choose the structure and payoff based on your needs. For example, you can enhance your income in sideways markets with yield enhancement structures, or hedge your risks with warrants or mini futures. The investment opportunities with structured products are almost limitless, making them an attractive option irrespective of the market environment.

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